Rounded Fonts
Corporate Logo Maru
Corporate Logo Maru (コーポレート・ロゴ丸) is a bold rounded font that you can download for free. The font was created with…
Pomeranian Font
Pomeranian Font (ぽめらにあんフォント) is a cute display free font for download. It features slightly thick strokes with a tad rounded…
Pop Rum Cute
Pop Rum Cute (ポプらむキュート) is a rounded, cute but slightly hard to read free Japanese font that you can download….
Iroha Maru Mikami
Iroha Maru Mikami (いろはマル みかみ) is a free Japanese rounded gothic font that is open sourced for everyone to download….
Uzumasa Honmaru Gothic
Uzumasa Honmaru Gothic (うずまさ本丸ゴシック) is a vintage rounded gothic font that is free to download. The font was inspired by…
Mamelon (マメロン) is a free Japanese font with rounded edge design, created by the designer who brought you “Makinas“. The…
Amber Color Font
Amber Color Font (飴色フォント Ameiro font) is roundish, playful font that is free to download. You can only use this…
Sanafon Yu
SanafonYu (さなフォン悠) is a handwriting free font from Sanafon series. According to the creator Sana, after creating other design fonts,…
NicoMoji+ (NicoMoji Plus) is a font that derived from the official logo mark of the popular Japanese video channel “NiCoNiCo”….
Nikumaru Free Font
Nikumaru Font is a cute, rounded and chubby free Japanese font that you can download. You can use this for…
Honoka Maru Gothic
Honoka Maru(Rounded) Gothic (ほのか丸ゴシック) is a beautiful free Japanese font that was set in rounded style. As you can see…