How To

How to type Japanese on MAC OSX


  1. On the top right bar, click on the flag, then select “Open Language & Text Preference”. Another alternative way is to go to the “System Preference” (when clicking the apple icon on the left top), then click the “Keyboard” icon. At the Keyboard tab, click “Input Sources…”
  2. At the Language and Text window, click on the “Input Sources” tab. At the Select input sources to use, scroll down until you see the Japanese input (Kotoeri). Click on the checkbox as shown below. Close when done.
  3. Now you can start typing Japanese by select the language drop down, and choose the Japanese input.

How to register at

  1. Go to this page
  2. Look for the register now box. Enter your email and password at the input fields on the right. Tick the checkbox and click “Register”
  3. Look for the confirmation email in your email inbox. Please do check in your spam folder because it might ended up there.
  4. Click on the validation link, and done! You can log in now and start downloading the fonts