Corporate Logo Maru

Corporate Logo Maru (コーポレート・ロゴ丸) is a bold rounded font that you can download for free. The font was created with the base from Jikasei’s Genyuu Gothic, and replace it with the original hiragana and katakana character designs. Genyuu Gothic was designed based on open source font Source Han Sans.

Corporate Logo Maru comes with the standard hiragana and katakana, also most of the kanji characters. The font is license under SIL Open Font License, means you can use it for commercial works.

Usage Permission

  • Free for personal and commercial projects


Font homepage and download

*To download, visit the link above, then scroll down to find the download link highlighted below. Please use Google Translate tool if needed.

Supported characters

  • Hiragana and Katakana
  • Kanji
  • Numbers
  • Symbols and Punctuation


  1. vivian wrote:

    Our company want to use the font of “Corporate Logo Maru”, but this your website @, only express it is free for personal and non-commercial projects. I want to know if it is free for commercial use in our business app. Hope your reply!

    • jayhan wrote:

      Hi Vivian, I made a mistake there. It’s an open source font so it’s free to use on commercial works.

  2. yoga wrote:

    Thank you for the font, it’s really good