Fonts tagged in ‘hiragana’
Japonesque (じゃぽねすく)
Japonesque (じゃぽねすく) is the cute, roundish display font. The font was as if constructed by rounded tip brush writing style….
Yasashisa Gothic Bold (やさしさゴシックボールド)
Yasashisa Gothic Bold (やさしさゴシックボールド) is the free bold Gothic style font with an elegant touch. It has all the common…
Yasashisa Gothic (やさしさゴシック)
Yasashisa Gothic (やさしさゴシック) is free Gothic style font with an elegant touch. It has all the common characters found in…
Eri ji (えり字)
Eri ji (えり字) is another handwriting style open type font (OTF), but the stroke is very fine. It has all…
Reiko Font
Reiko Font (れいこフォント) is a cute handwriting style font. It was packed with Level 2 standard kanji characters and you…
Honya font
Honya (ほにゃじ字) is a handwriting font that you can use for non-commercial and commercial projects. The creator of this font…
Kouzan semi-cursive brush font
This beautiful Japanese calligraphy style free font was written and created by a famous calligrapher Aoyagi Kouzan (青柳衡山). The strokes…
IPAex Gothic
IPAex (IPAexゴシック) is font produced by Information-technology Promotion Agency in Japan that you can download for free. The font are…
IPAex Mincho
IPAex (IPAex明朝) is font produced by Information-technology Promotion Agency in Japan that you can download for free. The font are…
Hannari Mincho
Hannari Mincho (はんなり明朝) is an elegant, stylish and easy to read typeface. It was created by Nakai Yoshihisa (なかいよしひさ). The…
Hanazome Font
Hanazome Font (はなぞめフォント), created by satsuyako (さつやこ), is another handwriting style font. It has the common kana, alphanumeric and more…