Fonts tagged in ‘bold’
GN Kin Iro San Serif
GN Kin Iro San Serif (きんいろサンセリフ) is a free Japanese display font that comes with modern, pop design feel. It…
Light Novel POP Free Font
Light Novel POP is a pop style free Japanese font that is perfect for anime designs. The hiragana and katakana…
G7 Cute Pop Bold
G7 Cute Pop Bold (G7キュートポップ ) is another free handwriting style font but this one has a more rounded finish….
Kei Font (けいふぉんと)
Kei Font (けいふぉんと) is a free Display Japanese font that you can download. The Hiragana and Katakana character designs were…
Noto Sans Japanese
Noto is Google’s font family that aims to support all the world’s languages that now, including Japanese language. Its design…
Mokomori Kuro Beta
Mokomori Kuro Beta (みきゆフォント もこもり黒β) is the latest font brought to you by designer that created Mikiyu Pen Font. The font…
Aozora Mincho
Consists of 7 weights, Aozora Mincho is a very complete mincho fonts that you can download for free. It is…
SanafonKaku Handwriting Font
SanafonKaku (さなフォン角) is another handwriting font from Sanafon series that features handwriting style that was written with Magic pen. Usage…
Sanafonmaru Handwriting Font
SanafonMaru (さなフォン丸) is a cute and good looking handwriting style Japanese font from the Sanafon family that you can download….
Checkpoint Font
Checkpoint font (チェックポイントフォント) is a free pop style Japanese font that was inspired by nostalgic TV Quiz Show font. The…
Nishiki-teki (にしき的フォント)
Nishiki-teki (にしき的フォント) is a good looking, pop-ish free font that can be used in wide range of designs. It packs…