Really Scary Minchotai

really scary minchotai

Really Scary Minchotai (ふぉんとうは怖い明朝体) is a scary version of the Mincho font. The font characters were distorted to look wavy and shaky which create the horror feel like the traditional Japanese horror movie. However, by changing the color mood, it might turn out to be not horror at all.

Usage Permission

  • Free for personal, non-commercial and commercial projects
  • Font is under IPA Font License Agreement. Please read the IPA_Font_License_Agreement_v1.0.txt included in the download file.


Homepage and Download

*To download, please visit the page above and scroll down the page to look for the grey colored download button below. Click the button to download the font.

really scary minchotai download

Supported characters

  • Hiragana and Katakana
  • Kanji (JIS Level 2)
  • Alphanumeric
  • Symbols and Punctuation


  1. fly3ind wrote:

    need password?

    • jayhan wrote:

      Looks like password is needed to download the font files. Ok it’s easy, basically the password is the name of the font. For this font the password is “ふぉんとうは怖い明朝体”

  2. 由裏婀 wrote:

    Sorry. I still can’t guess what the password is. Both Latin and Japanese versions of the name of this font are incorrect. Can you help?

  3. みんちょうたいさん wrote:

    Sorry, the download link you specified does not lead to font [Really Scary Minchotai]. It instead leads to [IPAexMincho]

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