Japonesque (じゃぽねすく)

Japonesque (じゃぽねすく)

Japonesque (じゃぽねすく) is the cute, roundish display font. The font was as if constructed by rounded tip brush writing style. At first it has no kanji, but the creator put in effort to include some characters, but still far away from being useful. But it’s enough for non kanji usage.

Usage Permission

  • Personal, non-commercial use
  • For commercial project, it becomes donationware. Please do check out the read me file for more info.


Homepage | Download (MAC) | Download (WIN)

Supported characters

  • Hiragana and Katakana
  • Kanji (partial)
  • Alphanumeric
  • Symbols and Punctuation


  1. Sunny wrote:

    download failed.

    • Sophie wrote:

      Hi, I’ve sent an email (from the read me file) to the creator but I haven’t got an answer to this day. I was wondering if you could tell me where can I contact them to ask whether I can use this font for commercial use? (I’ve also visited the homepage). Thank you.

  2. AV 女優 wrote:

    Cannot download, pls fix , thanks