DelaSuko Gothic One

DelaSuko Gothic One (でらすこゴシック) is a extra bold Japanese font you can download for free. It was based on another free font called Dela Gothic One. The author made the font taller so that it is more equal between the width and the height of the characters.

Because this font is derived from the aforementioned open-sourced font, this font comes with the same character set and also font license. Which means you can use this for free for your commercial projects.

Usage Permission

  • Free for personal and commercial projects
  • Released under SIL Open Font License


Font Homepage and Download

To download, visit the page above, scroll down and look for the download button highlighted in the image below. You’ll need to have a Pixiv account to download.

Supported characters

  • Hiragana and Katakana
  • Kanji (JIS Level 3)
  • Alphanumerics
  • Symbols and Punctuations

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